The C.O.P. is an organization here at Kiski High School in partnership various community organizations. In general, the C.O.P. is an attempt to bring a young adult’s prospective into revitalizing small towns. A member of the C.O.P. will also learn about the history and significance of small towns, all while improving them one step at a time. All members are required to participate in 10 hours worth of outside club events.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Car Wash/Tag Day

The club has arranged several events for this summer break. First off, July 21st we are holding a Car Wash. It is going to be held at the Advanced Auto Parts near K-Mart. It is going to be from 9-2. In case of rain, the rain date is July 28th. We are asking everyone to bring a drying towel to use. Everything else has been provided by Advanced Auto. Your committee head should have contacted you about working there. If you signed up to work there, you will be given a time slot in which you will work the Car Wash.

Also, we are having a Tag Day. Tag Day is when you stand outside of a business and collect money for your organization. In our case, we are going to be collecting money for the recent fire that happened in Vandergrift causing 3 families to be homeless. Again, when your commitee head called you, they should have asked you if you would like to work. If you signed up, you will be asssigned a time to work. This is going to take place on August 4th from 8-2.

If you have any questions, or you would like to work at these events, you can contact one of the committee heads or you can comment the blog with you name, committee, and phone number where we can reach you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i will be on vacation on the day of the car wash... i will be able to go if it happens to rain and we use the rain date other than that i am unable to come.
Jenny Meighan